Welcome to Rebecca Carey Yoga!
This part of the site will serve as a little yoga blog to share articles, stories, quotes, and other sources of inspiration. It may even contain a few updates now and then. This first quote I would like to share immediately stuck with me for it's simplicity and honesty. Through yoga practice and other meditative activities, we can connect with our truest Self; the soul, the spirit, that pure, eternal element that resides deep in the core of our being. We can also learn to differentiate between the false self and the true, eventually weeding out the false. In just a few short words, Swami Nirmalananda gives us a tip for helping to recognize the difference. "The false self thinks - the true Self knows." - Swami Nirmalananda, A Garland of Forest Flowers
October 2016
Rebecca Carey YogaYoga related writings, quotes, updates, and workshop information. Categories |